On the morning of 18 October the TAGI madness was still raging wild, but it was allowing me to start and settle back into my routines. I was having a cup of coffee while keeping up with all the trends on Facebook and checking emails when I realized that an email from Christine Wessels, Smile Producer at SmileFM, had sent me an email two days earlier and the email was sent to the wrong folder.
Immediately I was on the phone to her, explaining about all the chaos and apologizing profusely. She just enjoyed a chuckle and said there is no need to worry – I have not yet met her but she sounds like a real bundle of sunshine. We discussed some details, she emailed me a list of topics of discussion and arranged a time for later that day to do a prerecording via telephone.
Ewan Strydom phoned me and we had our telephonic interview in between his radio segments! It was a total blast and fun to work with Ewan, and I managed to make his day (his words) when he stumbled over his words, made a comment of it being unprofessional and I merely had a chuckle of my own and said it’s all in a days work, let’s do it again!
The prerecorded, and now professionally edited, interview was broadcast the following day, 19 October 2017, on the “Guess who is coming for lunch” with Ewan Strydom and within minutes the next round of donations were pouring in. This broadcast also directly resulted in our sponsorship by Elle’s Bridal Studio.
Thank you to Christine for taking an interest in our story and Ewan for your wonderful interview. Feel free to listen to the recording on the interview posted below and please feel free to share!
Eric Elronde and the TAGI team.