Other Charities
Your name: Alta Volschenk
Your email address: aswannie@mweb.co.za
Your contact number: 084 551 1349
Charity's name: The Compassionate Friends
Charity's description: The Compassionate Friends is a non-profit organisation assisting families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child/sibling/grandchild of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.
Website URL:
NPO number: In process
PBO number: In process
Do you have tax exemption? No
Do you have Section 18A status? No
List all social media accounts:
List your 3 most important needs
1) Exposure to make people aware of TCF's existence
2) Financial means in order to equip counsellors with the necessary knowledge and training to assist bereaved families
3) Donations in the form of copy paper, ink cartridges, etc. in order to send out monthly newsletters, pamphlets, letters of condolences and assisting in the expenses of our yearly candle lighting memorial day.
Is the principle objective of your organisation to carry on one or more public benefit activities (PBA), in a non-profit manner? Yes
Is your organisation willing to be audited? Yes
Does your organisation directly or indirectly support, advance, promote or oppose any political party? No
Does the organisation directly or indirectly support, advance, promote or oppose any religious group? No
Is you organisation partnered, affiliated or collaborating with any other organisations? Yes
If you answered yes to the previous question, please list them here:
The Angel Gown Initiative