Your name*
Your email address*
Your contact number*
Charity's name*
Charity's description*
Attach your logo (JPG or PNG only)
Website URL
NPO number
PBO number
Do you have tax exemption? YesNo
Do you have Section 18A status? YesNo
List all social media accounts
List your 3 most important needs 1)
Is the principle objective of your organisation to carry on one or more public benefit activities (PBA), in a non-profit manner? YesNo
Is your organisation willing to be audited? YesNo
Does your organisation directly or indirectly support, advance, promote or oppose any political party? YesNo
Does the organisation directly or indirectly support, advance, promote or oppose any religious group? YesNo
Is you organisation partnered, affiliated or collaborating with any other organisations? YesNo
If you answered yes to the previous question, please list them here:
All applications are evaluated by The Angel Gown Initiative at our sole discretion.
Can the information be published on this website and shared by The Angel Gown Initiative?