
The Angel Gown® Initiative is a registered Non Profit Organisation
NPO number: 203-283 NPO
PBO number: 930061837

Eric Elronde, CEO and founder of, The Angel Gown® Initiative, is charitably repurposing old wedding gowns and formal dresses into beautiful Angel Gown® garments for infants who do not survive their journey into this world.

At a time of utmost grief and sorrow, an Angel Gown® is a small but deeply meaningful way to alleviate some of a family’s difficulties and great sadness.  The Angel Gown® Initiative assists bereaved families with an important practical issue: how to provide a passed infant with the greatest dignity and grace.

All Angel Gown® garments are hand-made and are a free donation. Donations are made through hospitals where grieving families are being assisted.

Give a little to make a big impact.

Impact the lives of grieving families today. A little bit can go a long way.
We need your pre-loved Wedding Dresses and Formal Gowns to create Angel Gown® garments.

Latest News

Anjo Blanchard

We love it when people donate not just one, but two gowns to us!  Thank you Anjo for trusting us with your […]

Ursula Baravelle

The pleats on this gown is coutured to perfection. Thank you Ursula for entrusting us with your special gown! Eric Elronde and […]

Marleen Conradie

These gowns were all hand made by Marleen for her daughters weddings. Thank you Marleen for sharing your special gowns with us! […]

See all our news

Angel Gown® garments: Before and After

Anjo Blanchard

We love it when people donate not just one, but two gowns to us!  Thank you Anjo for trusting us with your […]

Ursula Baravelle

The pleats on this gown is coutured to perfection. Thank you Ursula for entrusting us with your special gown! Eric Elronde and […]

Marleen Conradie

These gowns were all hand made by Marleen for her daughters weddings. Thank you Marleen for sharing your special gowns with us! […]

See all our Angel Gown® garments

Our Beneficiaries

See all our beneficiaries


Thank you for your beautiful, worthy work. Much love to all of you.

Taryn Kroon

It meant a lot to me to know that hopefully my dress will bring comfort to many bereaved parents.

Thank you for the wonderful work that you do.

Gill Fenwick

This outfit represent one of the best days in my life. It carries with it all the beautiful sentiments like hope, courage, love and happiness.

May the fabric and the love that it represents, be carried over to other people and give them the positive energy that gives us all hope and peace to get through our lives.

Adele Coetzee

The work that you do is extremely slow to my heart. I have suffered 2 miscarriages, and lost a son at 31 weeks gestation due to congenital heart defects. I wish that someone was able to do for me what TAGI is doing for so many families.

Please read the full letter here

Maryke Pretorius

Een aand het ek Kwêla, insetsel oor “The Angel Gown Initiative”, gekyk en gevoel, dis waar my trourok moet heengaan, ek het besef dis hoekom ek dit al vir 37 jaar lank bewaar. Hierdie rok, met al sy mooi herinngeringe kan vir iemand iets beteken en help troos.

Please read the full letter here.

Hilda Nothnagel

It is donated in memory of my twin grandsons, who were stillborn at 22 weeks on 25 January 2019 due to twin-to-twin transfusion. My family is now part of the invisible community of those who have angel babies. May the love that went into the making of this dress, and the compassion that will go into the making of Angel Gowns out of this dress, give comfort to parents of angels.

Please see the full letter here.

Phia van Rensburg

Daar is so baie ouers wat deur die blydskap gaan met die vooruitsig om ouers te word en dan die onbeskryflike hartseer van ‘n stilgeboorte moet verwerk. Ek kan my nie eers in hul situasie indink nie. Ek glo elke Angel Gowns wat jul maak, beteken geweldig baie vir hierdie ouers ten tye van hul geweldige hartseer, bring ‘n mate van vertroosting en laat hul besef dat daar mense is wat aan hul dink en hulle omgee.

Ronel Ollewagen

Whatever garments you manage to make from this bridesmaid dress, please would you dedicate it to this little boy and his mom and to every women and child not treated with the kindness and human dignity which should be granted to all.

Please read the full letter here.

Aldyn Bent

Ek wil graag my trourok aan julle skenk want ek weet dit kan ander mense se harte heel maak.

Please read the full letter here.

Karien Haywood

Met die leemte in my hart kan ek nou my pragtige rok aan mense skenk wat hopenlik vertroosting en liefde daarme sal ondervind.

Susan Botha

Thank you for what you do xxx

Liesel Bester

Dit gaan met seënwense na daardie spesiale iemand en dit is my gebed dat dit bietjie sal bydra tot troos vir ‘n mamma en pappa wat hulle kindjie terug moes gee

Helene Kruger

Eric Elronde does amazing work! The TAGI team is dedicated to make a difference in bereaved parents’ lives. Thank you Eric!!

Nicci Coertze – Founder of NCOT

I hope you can use the material of my dress and that it will bring some healing to a mom who has lost her baby. My daughter had a miscarriage at 12 weeks and it was heartbreaking for all of us.

Marianna Kramer

So toe ek sien watter ongelooflike mooi konsep julle het, het ek geweet. Hierdie is die rede hoekom ek nog my rok het en nog nooit my rok verkoop het nie. Want dalk kan dit help om mense wat se harte so seer is effens te troos.

Please read the full letter here.

Yolande du Preez

Hier is 2 rokke wat ek met liefde skenk. Julle ondernemings gees is so ongelooflik om trourokke te neem en dit te herontwerp om aan jong babas se oeurs te gee. Mag hierdie ouers berusting vind. Daar is soveel seerkry in ons wêreld van geleende tyd. Dankie vir wat julle doen.

Anna Marx Steyn

Die werk wat julle doen is ongelooflik. Ek is seker dit beteken meer as wat julle ooit sal besef.

See the full letter here.

Jean-Marie Bothma

Very touching idea. Truly heartfelt.

Estelle Dannhauser

A very special and personal way to remember a lost bebe.

Christine Harburn

This touched my heart deeply. I think it is so special and amazing idea. Well done.

Vianca Slabbert

They are just such an amazing, caring lot of people! 🙏🙏

Avril Fisher

Thank you for the amazing work you do. I am so privileged to be a small part of it.

Nadine van der Byl

As we don’t have children of our own we would love to make a difference in someone else’s life and hope this will bring closure and some peace for the bereaved parents that has lost a little baby recently.

Renée Engelbrecht

Hope that this dress will bless a few families in their sad time. Thank you for what you are doing

Beth Dellis

I am so pleased that my dress will go to this special amazing charity as my sister lost a little baby girl at 22 weeks pregnant and another in her first trimester and I just feel this is where my wedding dress needs to go. Thank you again for running such an amazing organization.

Jax Widdows

It’s so sad that parents don’t get to take their babies home. I hope these dresses will bless them in some small way.

Lydia van Rie

Awesome initiative, giving immense comfort to grieving parents who are made aware that their precious angel baby is loved and respected and clothed beautifully at the final farewell ❤️😇❤️😇❤️😇❤️😇❤️💋💋💋

Maria Bottcher

I must say, what you are doing has completely moved me. As I am writing this piece I am in tears.

It is so beautiful and so heartbreaking.

Tyler Vivier – Junior Copywriter at Good Things Guy

TAGI is an amazing NPO helping parents in their time of need, I am so humbled to have been able to donate my own dress to this worthy initiative.

Babette Du Toit

I was sent a sneak preview of a forever gown cut from my dress and started crying.

It’s perfect!

It’s gorgeous and it’s been styled to resemble my dress.

I had to share because not only do I have the greatest admiration for what Eric and his team do, as a mom who has experienced baby loss I know how much I searched to keep a memory. Have something to remember. TAGI allow moms the knowledge that their special babies will be buried in dignity and forever gowns donated and made with love.

Judy MacGregor

It is a day of mixed emotions. But I feel honoured to be able to donate my wedding gown to your cause. What you do is amazing and you will be abundantly blessed. This gown was donated with love and I will forever be grateful to you for the amazing thing you do.

Chantel Boshoff
Chantel Boshoff

Die idee en diens wat jy lewer is fantasties. Wens my ou babatjie het ook so iets gehad.

Christa Müller

I love your initiative and the precious gifts you give these babies. What you do for people is honourable.

Cristel Cloete

Rohan was born on 3 Dec 2006 and was taken from us on 14 Feb 2007. After his death I had a miscarriage on 15 Aug 2007 and I thought that my world had ended. There are no words to describe how it feels knowing that a part of me will always be gone. I will never know what they would have looked like, what their likes and dislikes would have been or what they would have become as adults. There are two very large gaping holes in my heart. I do believe that if I had the opportunity to dress Rohan in one of these angel gowns it would have provided me with some form of peace, but there was no such initiative. And that is why I have donated my dress. It has helped me during my process and I feel honoured that another family will be able to dress their angel in a one of a kind gown before letting him or her go. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be part of your initiative and may you be blessed in everything that you do.

Sorina Lloyd